Sunday 15 November 2015

French Lives Matter...


Yesterday I posed 2 questions on my twitter in relation to this absurd, hypocritical and institutionally racist hyperbole surrounding 130 something innocent dead people in Paris. The questions were in reference to the wierd and uncanny speed (within hours in some places) with which many of the worlds landmarks become enshrouded in red white and blue lights - a supposed sign of solidarity with the dead French.

The questions were:

Is it not wierd the worlds landmarks have red white and blue lights on tap...?

And how come the same world monuments don't have green red and black lights ready for each day 120 innocent people die in Iraq or Syria?

Well, the good news I reckon I have the answer to question 1.

Yes boss, as much as I like conspiracy theory, that question wasn't meant to suggest the light maintainers of the worlds landmarks are part of a secret society who had prior knowledge of the attack and were so ready with their red, white and blue lights - it was purely a logistical question that i couldn't get my head around at the time?!?!?

So, the answer to that one is I think that red and blue 'gels' were applied to the existing lights that light up the building to make them turn colour. Yes boss, I've worked on, and seen enough film sets and seen these sheets of thin plastic called gels which are applied to set lights. Once sourced, they take seconds to apply and change the colour of the light. It's not rocket science and I'm not sure why I didn't think of it sooner.


The second question  I haven't however got such a simple, logical or agreeable answer to.

No boss, just why are innocent French lives so important and worthy of such worldwide empathy and collective head ringing, 'prayers' and HORROR!!! and Syrian or Iraqi lives aren't?

They're all humans aren't they???

Isn't it the case that 130 innocent dead in Syria or Iraq these past years is a quiet day? There's more than 100,000 gone for sure in Syria and in Iraq the figure would seem to be a MILLION or more at least.


Why is there no substantial solidarity there? No large and successful twittter and facebook campaigns for phoney fake prayers that aren't even made? No dull celebrity backed chummyness WE ARE THE WORLD!!! No Iraqi flags on National Monuments? No Syrian flags on profile pictures?

Why not??? What did those innocent people NOT do that the French did?? Eat Croissants?!?!!?

There's only one possible answer to that and it's that

Rich white French lives matter

Poor, brown Syrian or Iraqi and Palestinian or Lebanese lives don't.

And if that kind of dumb, simple, racist mentality is an encouraging sign of HOPE!!! and PROGRESS!!! and COMPASSION!!! and CHANGE!!! then I'm a baguette.

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