Friday 27 November 2015

More Cameron POO POO!!!

But quickly, back to that large stream of SHIT that exited Camerons gob...

Yes boss, in that WAR speech, he made claims that included:

'No-one could have known ISIL would emerge!?!??'

Errrrr....YES THEY COULD HAVE! THEY WERE CLEARLY PLANNED AND FACILITATED BY YOU AND YOUR MATES DAVE!!! TURKEY, SAUDI, QATAR, ISRAEL, THE US. Furthermore, there's been a hugely successful and prolonged PR campaign to tell us they exist. The Sun & Daily Mail in particular have been revving such a campaign to MAKE them exist in everyones minds eye.

Then it was...

'The Free Syrian Army have 70,000 troops'


So, ISIS, who we are often told are only several thousand or maybe tens of thousands of HEADCHOPPERS strong are currently holding off the combined air militaries of Russia, France & The US +  The Syrian army in full + the various anti ISIS militias and Hezbollah + 70,000 regulars in the alleged FSA?!?!

AND they're gaining ground, influence, power and their PR reach has never been better!?!?

And these fucks aren't even professional soldiers?!?!?


But according to 'Nice Guy' Dave, if we THE UK start bombing them too, ISIL WILL CERTAINLY BE VANQUISHED AND WE'RE GONNA WIN!!!

(and create a lasting peace and well functioning state like we did in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya!!!)



No boss, but that snivveling, fat faced shit always sounds so endearing and truthful doesn't he?!!? It's like he's some kind of middle aged choir boy who's never been fucked by a priest, but has in fact had deep, meaningful and TRUE experiences every time he's entered the stalls?!!?

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